Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 3.COM 11

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/11;
  2. Recalling Article 16 of the Convention;
  3. Further recalling chapter 1.2 of the Operational Directives related to the inscription of intangible cultural heritage elements on the Representative List;
  4. Establishes a subsidiary body for the examination of nominations for the Representative List and adopts its terms of reference as presented in the annex to this Decision, in accordance with Rule 21 of its Rules of Procedure;
  5. Decides that the subsidiary body shall consist of Turkey, Estonia, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Kenya and the United Arab Emirates;
  6. Further decides to examine at its next session whether the above-mentioned terms of reference are adequate or need to be refined further on the basis of the experience of the subsidiary body.

Terms of Reference of the

Subsidiary Body on the examination of nominations to the Representative List

The subsidiary body,


Shall be composed of a State Member of each electoral group;


Shall elect its Chairperson and, if necessary, its Vice-Chairperson(s) and its Rapporteur;


Shall hold private meetings in accordance with Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure;


Shall be responsible for the examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List in 2009 and 2010, in conformity with the relevant paragraphs of the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention;  it shall, in particular, include in its examination:



an assessment of any nomination’s conformity with the inscription criteria as provided in paragraph 19 of the Operational Directives, benefitting from the technical information to be provided by the Secretariat, if the Subsidiary Body so requests;



a recommendation to the Committee to inscribe, or not to inscribe, the nominated element;


Shall provide the Committee with an overview of all nomination files and a report of their examination;


Shall cease to exist following submission to the fifth session of the Committee of an overview of nomination files to be evaluated by the Committee in 2010 and a report of their examination.
