Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 10.COM 15.c

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/15.c,
  2. Recalling documents IOS/EVS/PI/129 REV. and IOS/AUD/2013/06, and Decisions 8.COM 5.c.1, 8.COM 5.c.2, 9.COM 13.e, 9.COM 13.f, 9.COM 13.g, and 9.COM 13.h,
  3. Acknowledges with satisfaction that the Secretariat has made a good progress in response to the recommendations of the evaluation and audit as well as of its corresponding decisions, and wishes that such effort be continued as planned;
  4. Recommends to the General Assembly to approve the amendment of all relevant paragraphs of the Operational Directives to increase from US$25,000 to US$100,000 the requests for International Assistance that can be approved by the Bureau of the Committee;
  5. Commends China for its generous offer of a voluntary supplementary contribution to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund to support the organization of an expert meeting on developing an overall results framework for the Convention,
  6. Acknowledges the increasing reliance of the Organization on extrabudgetary contributions and requests the Secretariat to submit the proposed coordinated fund-raising strategy for its consideration;
  7. Further requests the Secretariat to report the progress made on the follow-up on the audits and evaluations for examination by the Committee at its eleventh session in 2016.
